It’s Awards Time
Every month, the Guild of Photographers runs an Image of the Month competition. Each image entered is assessed by a panel of renowned and qualified judges, and awarded either no award, a classified or a bronze/silver/gold bar.
Each image is scored on both the technical and the creative storytelling including lighting, congruence, post production etc.
Gaining a bronze bar (meaning an image is of a high professional standard) is a difficult feat by itself. Gaining a Silver or Gold bar is even harder, from thousands of images submitted often only 20 reach this level each month.
I was unbelievably ecstatic to have had all my images entered gain an award - 2 silver bars and 1 bronze bar.
Both my silver bars were awarded for a dog portrait session that was held back on a cold & foggy November morning last year, with gorgeous golden sunrise light breaking through the trees to create some lovely depth to both dogs profiles.
We visited Harlestone Firs, located in Northampton, which is one of my favourite woodlands to photograph in, a combination of wide open paths, and narrow windy trails amongst the fir trees allows my creativity to go wild each and every time I visit.
The bronze bar from this month, I am just as proud to have been awarded as the two silvers.
It was another late November morning. It was a very cloudy and dull day that saw me visiting the Lickey Hills with Hector and his lovely owner.
He was the perfect subject to work with, willing to try various poses and locations, but sometimes the simple shot with the gorgeous autumn colours in the background are just as captivating as the ‘posed’, and ‘fussy’ shots.